Order Cancellation:
Orders can not be cancelled after 12hrs of placing your order. If you cancel your order within 12 hours of purchase, you will receive a full refund within 24 business hours once your funds are received by Pleasure Dolls Australia.
At Pleasure Dolls Australia, the price you see on the screen is the MOST you will pay, therefore you can rest assured there are no 'nasty surprises' during checkout, and you will not have to pay more for Shipping or Customs/Import fees.
'Pleasure Dolls' are delivered discreetly in plain, thick cardboard boxes.
Upon shipment, Pleasure Dolls Australia will email your tracking information. If you do not receive this tracking information email within 10 business days of placing your order, please contact us using our Online Contact Form.
Once you have received your tracking details, please allow between 5 and 21 days for delivery. Your delivery date depends largely upon your location and also Customs' clearance time, which can take up to 72 business hours.
The Courier service/s used for shipment are typically UPS and TNT, although the doll manufacturer may utilise a different freight company at their discretion.
Please inspect the package contents upon arrival. If you notice any obvious damage please notify Pleasure Dolls Australia in writing within 24 hours using our Online Contact Form.
The item is NOT to be used, or removed from the original packaging, as the manufacturer will likely arrange for the package's collection and return.
Photo evidence is required, and photos can be sent to:
After assessment and agreement by the manufacturer a full replacement will be manufactured and shipped. Standard manufacturing, shipping and Customs clearance time periods will apply, however there are no additional shipping fees or Customs clearance taxes applicable for the replacement Doll.
Refunds and Returns:
Because Pleasure Dolls Australia sells adult items, refunds are not possible, (unless you have cancelled your order within 12 hours of purchase - refer to 'Order Cancellation' above).
Returns will be only be considered under the following circumstances:
- if you have received an incorrect item due an error made by Pleasure Dolls Australia or by the manufacturer;
- if the item arrives in a damaged condition (see 'Damages' above).
In such cases, please notify Pleasure Dolls Australia in writing within 24 hours using our Online Contact Form.
The item is NOT to be used, or removed from the original packaging, as the manufacturer will likely arrange for the package's collection and return.
Photo evidence is required, and photos can be sent to:
After assessment and agreement by the manufacturer a full replacement will be manufactured and shipped. Standard manufacturing, shipping and Customs clearance time periods will apply, however there are no additional shipping fees or Customs clearance taxes applicable for the replacement Doll.
Missing Items / Items Misdelivered:
If an item is found to be lost in transit, or if it has been delivered incorrectly to a wrong address, please advise asap so we can investigate with the freight company responsible.
In most instances an article will be located, collected and redelivered without issue, however in rare instances the package may be irretrievable. In such instances Pleasure Dolls Australia will need to liaise with the freight company with regards to making a claim against the freight company's insurance for their error.
Pleasure Dolls Australia does offer our own shipping insurance which can be purchased during the checkout process. This shipping insurance covers damaged goods, loss and theft.
Please note that in instances such as these, refunds are only available through making a claim on insurance, whether this be insurance held by the freight company, or whether it is insurance specifically purchased through Pleasure Dolls Australia during checkout.
In cases where package/s are either lost in transit or stolen, and after investigation by the freight company they have been deemed 'irretrievable', an insurance claim will be lodged with a view to recovering the retail value of the item/s purchased. Any such claim will not include any insurance premium/s that may have been paid.
In cases where an item has been damaged in transit, please refer to the 'Damages' section above in the first instance. If a customer then decides they are unable to wait the additional time required for a new item to be manufactured and shipped, then Pleasure Dolls Australia will help facilitate an insurance claim on the customer's behalf, whether this be through insurance held by the freight company, or whether the insurance was purchased specifically through Pleasure Dolls Australia during checkout.
Lastly, please note that if an insurance claim needs to be lodged, whether this be through the freight company or whether it be through insurance specifically purchased during checkout, there is limited time available to do this. UPS for example will only consider claims where they have been lodged within 7 days of the delivery date. Because of this we do need customers to contact us urgently if they suspect an item is missing, or if they notice an item has been damaged in transit.
Your satisfaction is our #1 priority, so if you have any questions relating to these Terms and Conditions, please contact us using our Online Contact Form.